1. When & Where was Rasulullah born?
He was born on a Monday in the month of Rabe’e Al-Awal in Makkah.
There are several versions regarding the specific date but many give dates between 8-12 Rabe'e Al-Awal.
Abu Qitada related, “Rasulullah was asked about fasting on Monday, and he said ‘that is the day I was born on’” [Muslim]
Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “There is no doubt that he was born in the heart of Makkah, and his birth was in the year of the elephant”.
2.What is the lineage of Rasulullah?
He is Mohammad son of Abdullah son of Al-Muttalib son of Hashim son of Abdu Monaf son of Qusai son of Kallab son Murra son Ka’ab son of Lua’ay son of Ghalib son Fahr son of Malik son of Kinana son of Khuzaima son of Mudrika son of Eliyas son of Mudhar son of Nazar son of Ma’ad son of Adnan; who descends from Ishmael son of Abraham who descends from Noah who descends from Adam (peace be upon them all).
Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “He comes from a lineage that is absolutely the most honorable on earth”.
3.What is the wisdom behind Rasulullah’s honorable lineage?
His honorable lineage prevents allegations of him claiming prophethood to heighten his social status amongst his people.
Al-Nawawi said, “He is farthest from taking up dishonesty and closest to drawing people to him (i.e. make them fond of him)”.
4.Who is the father of Rasulullah and when did he die?
His name is Abdullah son of Abdul Muttalib (aka Al-Muttalib).
Rasulullah’s father became ill on his way back to Makkah on a merchants’ caravan and he died in Madinah and was buried there.
Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “his father died while his mother was still pregnant with him. [ Ibn Hajar affirmed this in “Fat’h Al-Baari].
Allah (swt) mentioned his orphanage by saying “Did He not find you (O Muhammad) an orphan and gave you a refuge?” [Al-Dhuha, 93:6]
Ibn Katheer said, “…and this is an orphanage of the highest degrees”.
5.What are some of the names/nicknames of Rasulullah and which ones are the most famous?
Rasulullah said “I have (several) names. I am Mohammad, and I am Ahmad, Al-Maahi (The Eliminator) through which Allah will eliminate kufr (disbelief)”. [ Agreed upon, narrated from Abi Sa’eed Al-Khidri]
Ibn Sa’ad added, “The Sealer (with whom Allah will seal prophethood)”.
The most famous of names are Mohammad and Ahmad
Ibn Hajar stated, “The most famous of the two is Mohammad, and it is mentioned in the Qura’an”.
6.How many times was Rasulullah mentioned by the name of Mohammad (in the Qura’an)?
He was mentioned in the Qura’an 4 times.
“Mohammad is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have passed away before him.” [Al-Imran, 3:144]
“Mohammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets.” [Al-Ahzab, 33:40]
“Those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and believe in that which is sent down to Mohammad.” [Mohammad, 47:2]
“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” [Al-Fat’h, 48:29]
As for the name Ahmad, it was mentioned once through Prophet Isa (as) [Assafat, 61:6].
7.What are some of the distinguishable signs about Rasulullah?
Abi Amama narrated saying, “I said, O’ prophet of Allah! What signs are distinguishable about you? He said, ‘the supplication of my father Ibrahim (Abraham), the glad-tidings of Isa (Jesus), and a light my mother saw lighting the castles of Damascus’”. [Ahmad]
By “the supplication of my father Ibrahim (Abraham)” he meant:
-“Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite unto them Your Verses and instruct them in the Book and Al-Hikmah (full knowledge of the Islamic laws and jurisprudence or wisdom or Prophethood), and purify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise”. [Al-Baqara, 2:129]
By “the glad-tidings of Isa (Jesus)” he meant:
-“And (remember) when 'Îsa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah unto you, confirming the Taurat [(Torah) which came] before me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad”. [Assaaf, 61:6]
By “the light my mother saw lighting the castles of Damascus” he meant:
-Ibn Rajab said, “Regarding the light which shined through upon his birth … is a sign signifying the light through which the people of earth were guided and the darkness of disbelief/deviation was eliminated through as Allah said “Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book. Wherewith Allah guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to the Straight Way”. [Al-Mae’eda, 5:15-16]
8.Which of Rasulullah’s uncles witnessed the revelation of Islam? And which ones accepted it?
Ibn Hajar said, “It is an amazing coincidence that the ones (i.e. the uncles) who witnessed Islam are four. Two accepted it and two did not. The two who accepted Islam had Islamic names and the two who did not had un-Islamic names. The two who became Muslim were Hamza and Abbas and the two who did not were Abu Talib (aka Abdu Monaf) and Abu Lahab (aka Abdul Uzza).
9.Who were the women who breastfed Rasulullah?
Thuwaiba (who was a slave owned by Abu Lahab). Some narrations claim that she breastfed him for a few days and in others it is claimed that she did so for 4 months. She did go embrace Islam and lived a Muslim for many years until her death.
Halima Al-Sa’adiyya. She took Rasulullah with her to her Badiya (Bedouins’ settling areas) and he lived there with her for 4 years before Halima returned him to his mother.
10.Where was Rasulullah breastfed?
He was breastfed in the Badiya (Bedouins’ settling area) of Bani Sa’ad which Halima Al-Sa’adiyya belonged to.
11.What is the wisdom behind the Arab tradition of breastfeeding children in Badiyas?
It was believed that this would strengthen the children’s bodies, and make them more likely to depend on themselves from a young age in addition to acquiring eloquence of speech.
12.What happened to Rasulullah in the Badiya of Bani Sa’ad?
The incident of “the tearing of the chest” took place.
Anas narrated, “Jibrae’el (Gabriel) came to Rasulullah while he was playing with children. He took him, laid him down, and tore open his chest, took out his heart and pulled out a leech-like material from it. He (i.e. Jibrae’el) then said “that is Shaitan’s (devil’s) bit of you”. Then Jibrae’el washed the heart in a basin of gold filled with the water of Zamzam then he put it back in its place and mended the spot. The other boys ran to his mother (i.e. his breastfeeder, Halima) and said to her “Mohammad had been killed”. [Muslim]
13. What did Halima do upon finding out about the incident?
She feared over the life of Rasulullah and took him back to his mother until he turned six.
14.What was the wisdom behind the incident of “the tearing of the chest”?
It holds the preparation of Allah (swt) of his servant and messenger Mohammad (peace be upon him) for divine revelation.
Allah (swt) protecting His prophet from the shortcomings of human-nature and the whispers of Shaitan (the devil).
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